Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Grey Cervical Mucus Before Period

[Bullet] "contain" Bolero

Title: "contain"
Fandom: Naruto
Author: [info] yunnmello
Rating: M or NC-17
Couple: Sasuke / Sakura, Naruto / Sakura (?)
Warnings: Lemmon, "voyeurism? "Trio?, Totally AU. OoC, I guess.
Disclaimer: Naruto (NARUTO - ナルト -) by Masashi Kishimoto (manga) and Hayato Date (anime).
Summary: How could contain himself when he could clearly hear the sounds coming out of the store next door? How the hell would achieve things not help but wonder if they two were there doing "that"?
Notes: Completely written [info] ohohcielo (...).
Number of Words: 591, bullet


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