Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do Remote Car Starters Cause Electrical Issues

Miss Germany 2011

Illustration © Edward Katyhin
More than 500,000 Internet addresses can be revoked. This is the result of the test by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), which is interested in a quick registration of a huge number of domains in the zone. RF. Federal Antimonopoly Service of the suspects in the misappropriation of Registrars most popular domains with a view to their resale at auction.
fact that in this scandal with no criminal cases will not do - obviously. In the Prosecutor General's Office on this issue has held a special meeting, during which discussed launched in November 2010, the company for registering domain names in Cyrillic zone. RF. Already in the first week there were over 500,000 domains. The biggest violation is detected from the largest registrar of RU-Center. All unwittingly raised the question: how this book managed to registrar more than 60,000 domains in the first hours of open registration? And 25,000 of the most popular of them were quickly sold on the auction closes. Give a clear answer on question one of the representatives of RU-Center and could not. However, if we dig deeper into the situation, then things will become obvious.

Throughout the 90-ies Age RU-Center was actually a monopoly on domain names in RU. By 2003, the company's share accounted for almost 90% of the market. But soon the situation on the market began to interfere with the Coordinating Center. And for one and a half years of his active intervention in the market came five new registrars, and the market share of the RU-Center dropped to 30%. Of course, that such events are not heavily arranged guide leading registrar, so the launch of the Russian Federation has become a domain for RU-Center an excellent opportunity fight back to regain the past glory of a monopolist.
First, the company led the promotion of a new domain is quite legal ways, but soon to move did not go only fair and market-based methods. And when the registrar asked to provide a list of the newly owners "domain names, the answer has been received unreliable information.

What will be the punishment for the owners of RU-Center? - A question still open, to which everyone is waiting for a response from the Prosecutor General's Office. But the fact that on such a large share of the gray domain registrations affected all the Russian Internet community can already say with complete confidence.

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