Friday, February 18, 2011

Cruise Spots For Men In Ct

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Photo ILIA YEFIMOVICH / AFP / Getty Images
23-year-old Israeli photojournalist Ilya E. won the prestigious international contest Pictures of the Year International (POYI). Shot, won the nomination "Spot News", was made by Ilya October 8, 2010 in Jerusalem quarter of Silvanus.
The day Silwan was restless: Arab teenagers threw stones at cars with Israeli number. Came under stone attack and the car chief executive "Elad" David Beeri. The driver, a car that the front passenger seat was his teenage son, tried to quickly overcome the dangerous area - and, as a result, his car knocked down two Arab teenagers threw stones and caught in the path of machine. It is worth noting that in addition to Elijah EVENT filmed and other journalists. And generally resembled a shooting going on a transfer, where all but the main character, the actors. However, everything was so. Planned provocation to bear fruit. The whole world saw
video , in which the bloodthirsty Israeli crushes a small boy, and photographer gets a prize.


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