Monday, February 14, 2011

Getting Rid Of Hematoma After Wisdom Tooth

Fanfic of Narnia: Namespace, love and other complicated things.

Title: Naming , love and other complicated things.
Fandom: The Chronicles of Narnia . The Horse and His Boy. CS Lewis.
Paring: Shasta (Cor) / Aravis.
Warning: Spoiler's book.
Words: 987

Disclaimer: All this belongs to CS Lewis.
Roundup: Shasta or "Cor? Do not know if it can be a king, after weeks of learning he was heir to a village only a person can help to clear up.
Notes: That is a gift to [info] lunasolitaria order in the [info] san_drabbletin :) You said that nobody would be interested in this request and that was why I chose it because I know this fandom is pequeñoy well, this book just because it was known movie, so ... I read long ago but I did the best I could and I hope you like it anyway. Happy Valentine:)

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