Friday, February 25, 2011

Simcity 4 Deluxe 1.1.638

Just5 CP11: a most unusual mobile phone in recent years

* Advertising * * Publication paid *

Almost all modern mobile phones are alike - they are at different levels success, but still replicate the design of iPhone. Against this background, a very interesting look "phones with large buttons, manufactured brand Just5. The people they are called - "Anti-iPhone»: because of the huge keys, unusual design and ease of use. Consider a model Just5 CP11, which stands out even in comparison with other "krupnoknopochnyh" vehicles due to hull design.

key feature Just5 CP11 - non-standard form factor reminiscent of the phone Samsung Matrix Phone from the cult movie "The Matrix". That is, at first glance, the model is a typical "mobile phone with large buttons, but if you click on the two small orange button, located on the sides - and from the shell immediately "shoot" 2.36-inch display. In the closed state is visible about a third of the screen, and operate Just5 CP11 is possible and so and so.

What advantages has the form factor? First, Just5 CP11 really strange looks: nothing like the Russian market today, no. In this case, the reliability inherent in a telephone with large buttons "sliding design is not affected: for example, our sample fell Just5 CP11 the table from a height of meters in the open state, and it is working this "flight" is not affected in any way. Noticeable movement between the parts of the phone was not initially and has not appeared after a trip to the floor.

Secondly, a large display to identify the best small, and if its use is not yet impact on the dimensions of the device - if not perfectly. Third, using the display can respond to calls - click on the orange button during an incoming call display "vystretil", and the tube "rose". Surrender due: it looks very, very effectively.

in delivery Just5 CP11 comes with a cradle mirror surface and the function of the charger. These enhancements were completed at the beginning of the two thousandth advanced PDAs and cell phones (remember The same Siemens SL45i), but today they are a lot of DECT-phones. Benefits from this stand for at least three. Each time the search for a small connector on the body of the phone not always convenient, so that the opportunity to "feed" its battery, set up on a "pedestal" with a connected charger - a solution interesting and uniquely correct. In addition, the base is a kind of branding things: it fits well into the exterior of an office desk next to with some "Mac" or any other serious computer. Finally, it's just nice - get just two cool things at once. The first act Mobile, the second - the cradle.

But back to the very phone. From Just5 CP11 has not disappeared either one of a set of special functions, missing in very many modern phones, and first implemented in the models Just5 CP09 and CP10. First of all, we should say about the high-end (in the literal sense - to cash in on Button nice) keyboard: the area of one digital key is 143 square meters. mm, comparable even with some netbooks. To lock the keys provided slider on the side of the face. Height of the characters on the screen - up to 8,5 mm, so that they can be seen almost from the distance meter. In addition, it is worth noting the simplicity interface: it can deal with even the inexperienced user.

Next - a speaker: he is so "vociferous" that the average user with normal hearing do not need to "twist" of its volume to maximum. And the melodies, and it buddy reproduced with high quality. However, for certain there are comrades who have this "safety margin" is useful. Here we note that the Just5 CP09 and CP10 CP11 migrated in bright LED flashlight and radio, который работает даже без гарнитуры (антенна встроена в корпус). Впрочем, никто не мешает слушать музыку и в «ушах»: подключаются они к стандартному для modern gadgets nest with a diameter of 3.5 mm. To activate a radio and a lantern on the rear panel are provided "sliders."

But among these the most "sliders" is orange SOS-key. Responsibilities it has two parts: firstly, it is responsible for alternate call four emergency rooms and toilet break them SMS-messages pre-set text (for example, "urgently move to a relationship, I am in the hospital!"), and secondly, it also activates a siren, designed to attract the attention of others in an emergency. In general, the button SOS - a thing clearly is not superfluous: for example, it may be useful lost her baby.

In Just5 CP11 appeared built-in electronic thermometer - it takes readings on the display. And conclusions, I must say, quite accurately: the difference with the stationary room thermometer is usually no more than one degree. So that the implementation of this function is at a decent level.

In general, the model looks interesting - despite the simplicity of the functional she is able to catch even those who have previously enjoyed, say, a modern "touch" cell phones. The whole point is that the last day anyone really no surprise, while Just5 may well attract the attention of colleagues (fellow students, classmates, neighbors on a bench in a subway, a pretty girl - please underline) its design, even in the closed position. Well, if you press the small orange button, then the person can and does ask the traditional question of such situations - They say, let's tell it where he bought and how much? Just5 CP11 can be purchased in the newly opened online store - . As mentioned above, the apparatus is 4,5 thousand rubles. A lot or a little? To give that kind of money for comparable functionality phone to another company (for example, Nokia or Samsung) with a typical budget design, it would be strange, but here Just5 CP11 is worthy of such amount. Just because a relatively small amount of money offered is not just a phone and the phone in a good mood.

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February 24 mine. Miners had to spend 70 days under the ground until a rescue operation was carried out. The fate of the Chilean miners watched the whole world. Starting with the 5-th August 1933 miner trapped at a depth of 700 meters. Under the rock falls in mines zolotomednoy San Jose, they have spent more than two months. After the rescue miners covered by online media around the world, Israel's tourism minister, Stas Misezhnikov invited them to visit us.

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Chilean miners in Israel

Today, hundreds LJ users, caught in spam trap, sending a "virus" on and on. And I fell.: (The exact mechanism of the virus is unknown to me, but its effect itself - by clicking on the link, you go to a site where absolutely nothing. Just a black screen. You click, trying to "download" site, but nothing turns out ... no, it turns out, but not you. Your LJ appears as follows: "In some cool trick I found: http://adres
site." Be careful!

PS Many thanks to Eugene for having pointed me to the problem!

UPDATED : On Habrahabr wrote: ... it seems that you are using a known vulnerability in lj embedded. Actually is a regular census. The password is not compromised.
works on win and mac, did not work in opera, linux has not been tested.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How To Make Freddy Krueger Glove

Caution, a virus!

Photo REUTERS / Stringer

February 22 "Alvand, one of two Iranian navy ships, passes through the Suez Canal, en route to the Mediterranean Sea. Iranian naval forces are planning to hold joint exercise with the navy in Syria. It should be noted that the previously reported intention to leave the Iranian military ships in Syria for a year, but today the administration of the Suez channel aired, what awaits them back on March 3.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Rash On Stomach Post Cruise

[Harry Potter] Viktor / Hermione

Title: Red Prince
Fandom: Harry Potter
Couple: Viktor / Hermione

is dedicated to [info] odisea_strauss , really hope you like it, they say that it is better

late than never ( She found her prince charming, but before there was a red )

Sample Thank You Donation Church


this morning at the international airport of Milan, "Malpensa", there was an emergency. Passenger car broke through the glass doors next to the 14-meter entrance to the first terminal, and entered the "sterile zone". The car went a man of Arab appearance and assaulted the guards of the terminal with a knife. The man shouted something in Arabic.
Local security guards responsible for security in a "sterile area", opened fire of the unknown, which was taken for a terrorist. The man was wounded in the leg. It later emerged that the 48-year-old Tunisian, who is married to an Italian, would not let his wife and children abroad. His wife and three children were at this time in the cabin of the car. Thus, the version according to which the airport was carried out attack, was not confirmed. Tells

Getty Images


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Squamous Papilloma Nostril

incident at Milan airport

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Monday, February 21, 2011

Parmigiano Reggiano T Shirt

Simpsons in Majdal Shams

Photo REUTERS / Baz Ratner

Separation Barrier between Israel and Palestine a few miles from Jerusalem

Community Service Hour Completion Letters

vigil took!

"If I was on the ground that the convicted person, it would have escaped from prison, had procured weapons and found a judge to condemn him and shot him to" - says The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, after a visit to the colony number 2 in early February, where Kadyrov met and personally spoke with the prisoners.
was organized meeting of the Supreme Court and received an order to reconsider the case of almost 100 people. So, ten convicts recommended to reduce the time imprisonment, and another 92 requested release on parole. The list of convicts were 22 members of illegal armed groups and their supporters, four convicted of weapons, 30 drug addicts and murderers, thieves, robbers and burglars.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Road To Dental Hygiene

Avatar: The Last Airbender, Zuko & Katara.

New in the community, first contribution. An apology if I messed with the tags.

Author: mabel-rd
Summary: A beautiful oneshot inspired by the song How to save a life The Fray group about dying in the arms of Zuko Katara.
Los personajes de Avatar the last airbender pertenecen a Michael Dante DiMartino y Bryan Konietzko , todos los derechos reservados pertenecen a sus respectivos creadores; solamente escribo acerca de su universo sin ganancia alguna.
Notes: ( en mi livejournal )

Friday, February 18, 2011

Upset Stomach Everytime I Eat

Naruto - Naruto / Sakura

Autor :  [info] creamy_treat  
Dedicado a :  [info] vanish_hime  
Title: Time to forget.
Fandom: Naruto.
Claim: Naruto / Sakura. Extension
: 1,634 words.
Warnings: Spoilers virtually the last events of the anime, are important so be careful. Fluff in family size. Diabetics, kindly refrain, thanks. forget time.
Time to forget in my writings of LJ community.

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Highscreen Cosmo: tsvetomuzykalny smartphone with Android 2.2 per 7,900 rubles

Photo ILIA YEFIMOVICH / AFP / Getty Images
23-year-old Israeli photojournalist Ilya E. won the prestigious international contest Pictures of the Year International (POYI). Shot, won the nomination "Spot News", was made by Ilya October 8, 2010 in Jerusalem quarter of Silvanus.
The day Silwan was restless: Arab teenagers threw stones at cars with Israeli number. Came under stone attack and the car chief executive "Elad" David Beeri. The driver, a car that the front passenger seat was his teenage son, tried to quickly overcome the dangerous area - and, as a result, his car knocked down two Arab teenagers threw stones and caught in the path of machine. It is worth noting that in addition to Elijah EVENT filmed and other journalists. And generally resembled a shooting going on a transfer, where all but the main character, the actors. However, everything was so. Planned provocation to bear fruit. The whole world saw
video , in which the bloodthirsty Israeli crushes a small boy, and photographer gets a prize.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do Remote Car Starters Cause Electrical Issues

Miss Germany 2011

Illustration © Edward Katyhin
More than 500,000 Internet addresses can be revoked. This is the result of the test by the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS), which is interested in a quick registration of a huge number of domains in the zone. RF. Federal Antimonopoly Service of the suspects in the misappropriation of Registrars most popular domains with a view to their resale at auction.
fact that in this scandal with no criminal cases will not do - obviously. In the Prosecutor General's Office on this issue has held a special meeting, during which discussed launched in November 2010, the company for registering domain names in Cyrillic zone. RF. Already in the first week there were over 500,000 domains. The biggest violation is detected from the largest registrar of RU-Center. All unwittingly raised the question: how this book managed to registrar more than 60,000 domains in the first hours of open registration? And 25,000 of the most popular of them were quickly sold on the auction closes. Give a clear answer on question one of the representatives of RU-Center and could not. However, if we dig deeper into the situation, then things will become obvious.

Throughout the 90-ies Age RU-Center was actually a monopoly on domain names in RU. By 2003, the company's share accounted for almost 90% of the market. But soon the situation on the market began to interfere with the Coordinating Center. And for one and a half years of his active intervention in the market came five new registrars, and the market share of the RU-Center dropped to 30%. Of course, that such events are not heavily arranged guide leading registrar, so the launch of the Russian Federation has become a domain for RU-Center an excellent opportunity fight back to regain the past glory of a monopolist.
First, the company led the promotion of a new domain is quite legal ways, but soon to move did not go only fair and market-based methods. And when the registrar asked to provide a list of the newly owners "domain names, the answer has been received unreliable information.

What will be the punishment for the owners of RU-Center? - A question still open, to which everyone is waiting for a response from the Prosecutor General's Office. But the fact that on such a large share of the gray domain registrations affected all the Russian Internet community can already say with complete confidence.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Don Quijote Audiobook

Naruto, Naruto / Hinata.

Author: [info] esciam
Title: the pending

Naruto Pairing: Naruto / Hinata
Dedicated to: [info] yunnmello ... It's not as beautiful as yours, but the world deserves more Naruhina!

What Does An Abnormal Chest X-ray Mean

Castle, Martha and Beckett

Author: [info] esciam
Title: About the man in their lives

Castle Pairing: No pairing, Martha and Beckett talking about Beckett / Castle, perhaps.
Dedicated to: [info] sramulder ... It's no big thing, but it's what I thought!

Arabic Art Of Lovemaking

Little Women, Laurie / Jo

Author: [info] esciam
Title: On his birthday

Fandom: Little Women
Pairing: Laurie / Jo
Dedicated to: [info] aglaiacallia ... but I think she provides for those who want to read it, of course. I hope you like this ... start ship!

Best Inflammatory Medicine

Bones, Cam / Hodgins.

Author: [info] esciam
Title: Married

Fandom: Bones
Pairing: Cam / Hodgins
Dedicated to: Who is going to be? [info] dryadeh , of course! Like I said, here's ... although a little crack, but as love.

Dead Fish Covered In White Slime

Without further ado

Подпишись на RSS February 15 the equivalent of "Miss World", but these stars four paws and tail. On the most important in the world of canine beauty parade annually attracts More than 2500 people. During the competition is assessed, seven groups of dogs: working, terrier, dog toys, sports, unsportsmanlike, dog-herders, hunting. The popularity of the show is so high that very often wins the breed is becoming very fashionable in the coming year. Читай мой блог через Facebook
Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Фото
Timothy A. Clary / AFP / Getty Images

Cat Eye Syndrome Hidden Signs

Neji & Sakura - Naruto ~ In the middle of the war.

Author: meeeli
Title: In the middle of the war
Naruto Pairing: Neji H. & Sakura H.
Disclaimer: Naruto is not mine.
Warnings: Located in recent issues of the manga.
Dedicated to: [info] vanish_hime really hope you like it:)

Can You Connect A 3 Dongle To Ps3

Talisman Sochi-2014

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
February 13, Boeing unveiled a new passenger airplane extra spacious Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental, which is characterized by the lowest operating costs and better economic performance in the class of large passenger aircraft, as well as high environmental performance.

747-8 Intercontinental on Today was the longest passenger aircraft in the world. The new ship can accommodate 467 passengers - 51 more than the 747, but considerably cheaper. Concern has already received orders for 33 planes 747-8 Intercontinental by Lufthansa and Korean Air Lines, reports BBC News. It is expected that the new liner will compete with Airbus Airbus A380, which can carry up to 525 people. Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show

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Stephen Brashear / Getty Images

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