Friday, February 25, 2011

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Just5 CP11: a most unusual mobile phone in recent years

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Almost all modern mobile phones are alike - they are at different levels success, but still replicate the design of iPhone. Against this background, a very interesting look "phones with large buttons, manufactured brand Just5. The people they are called - "Anti-iPhone»: because of the huge keys, unusual design and ease of use. Consider a model Just5 CP11, which stands out even in comparison with other "krupnoknopochnyh" vehicles due to hull design.

key feature Just5 CP11 - non-standard form factor reminiscent of the phone Samsung Matrix Phone from the cult movie "The Matrix". That is, at first glance, the model is a typical "mobile phone with large buttons, but if you click on the two small orange button, located on the sides - and from the shell immediately "shoot" 2.36-inch display. In the closed state is visible about a third of the screen, and operate Just5 CP11 is possible and so and so.

What advantages has the form factor? First, Just5 CP11 really strange looks: nothing like the Russian market today, no. In this case, the reliability inherent in a telephone with large buttons "sliding design is not affected: for example, our sample fell Just5 CP11 the table from a height of meters in the open state, and it is working this "flight" is not affected in any way. Noticeable movement between the parts of the phone was not initially and has not appeared after a trip to the floor.

Secondly, a large display to identify the best small, and if its use is not yet impact on the dimensions of the device - if not perfectly. Third, using the display can respond to calls - click on the orange button during an incoming call display "vystretil", and the tube "rose". Surrender due: it looks very, very effectively.

in delivery Just5 CP11 comes with a cradle mirror surface and the function of the charger. These enhancements were completed at the beginning of the two thousandth advanced PDAs and cell phones (remember The same Siemens SL45i), but today they are a lot of DECT-phones. Benefits from this stand for at least three. Each time the search for a small connector on the body of the phone not always convenient, so that the opportunity to "feed" its battery, set up on a "pedestal" with a connected charger - a solution interesting and uniquely correct. In addition, the base is a kind of branding things: it fits well into the exterior of an office desk next to with some "Mac" or any other serious computer. Finally, it's just nice - get just two cool things at once. The first act Mobile, the second - the cradle.

But back to the very phone. From Just5 CP11 has not disappeared either one of a set of special functions, missing in very many modern phones, and first implemented in the models Just5 CP09 and CP10. First of all, we should say about the high-end (in the literal sense - to cash in on Button nice) keyboard: the area of one digital key is 143 square meters. mm, comparable even with some netbooks. To lock the keys provided slider on the side of the face. Height of the characters on the screen - up to 8,5 mm, so that they can be seen almost from the distance meter. In addition, it is worth noting the simplicity interface: it can deal with even the inexperienced user.

Next - a speaker: he is so "vociferous" that the average user with normal hearing do not need to "twist" of its volume to maximum. And the melodies, and it buddy reproduced with high quality. However, for certain there are comrades who have this "safety margin" is useful. Here we note that the Just5 CP09 and CP10 CP11 migrated in bright LED flashlight and radio, который работает даже без гарнитуры (антенна встроена в корпус). Впрочем, никто не мешает слушать музыку и в «ушах»: подключаются они к стандартному для modern gadgets nest with a diameter of 3.5 mm. To activate a radio and a lantern on the rear panel are provided "sliders."

But among these the most "sliders" is orange SOS-key. Responsibilities it has two parts: firstly, it is responsible for alternate call four emergency rooms and toilet break them SMS-messages pre-set text (for example, "urgently move to a relationship, I am in the hospital!"), and secondly, it also activates a siren, designed to attract the attention of others in an emergency. In general, the button SOS - a thing clearly is not superfluous: for example, it may be useful lost her baby.

In Just5 CP11 appeared built-in electronic thermometer - it takes readings on the display. And conclusions, I must say, quite accurately: the difference with the stationary room thermometer is usually no more than one degree. So that the implementation of this function is at a decent level.

In general, the model looks interesting - despite the simplicity of the functional she is able to catch even those who have previously enjoyed, say, a modern "touch" cell phones. The whole point is that the last day anyone really no surprise, while Just5 may well attract the attention of colleagues (fellow students, classmates, neighbors on a bench in a subway, a pretty girl - please underline) its design, even in the closed position. Well, if you press the small orange button, then the person can and does ask the traditional question of such situations - They say, let's tell it where he bought and how much? Just5 CP11 can be purchased in the newly opened online store - . As mentioned above, the apparatus is 4,5 thousand rubles. A lot or a little? To give that kind of money for comparable functionality phone to another company (for example, Nokia or Samsung) with a typical budget design, it would be strange, but here Just5 CP11 is worthy of such amount. Just because a relatively small amount of money offered is not just a phone and the phone in a good mood.

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February 24 mine. Miners had to spend 70 days under the ground until a rescue operation was carried out. The fate of the Chilean miners watched the whole world. Starting with the 5-th August 1933 miner trapped at a depth of 700 meters. Under the rock falls in mines zolotomednoy San Jose, they have spent more than two months. After the rescue miners covered by online media around the world, Israel's tourism minister, Stas Misezhnikov invited them to visit us.