Monday, August 17, 2009

Sore Feet From Basketball

tulwings @ 2009-08-17T15:34:00

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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Long Do You Cook Sirloinin Oven

Interestingly, besides that I'm alive, I found that studying Greek stresses me much. After the items are a great void in both my mind and in my notebook.
At least with the rest of the materials going well. More or less. I passed two of two exams and do not lose the opportunity to remind my parents, because in Latin and Greek revolted me.
I have an idea for a novel, too. A novel rare and I think half bestselleresca, but that is haunting me. A love triangle with traces of Slash.
Now, last but not least, the Star Wars fandom is HUGE and when I find a HUGE fandom I need time to review and revise and revise and make everyone I know is fanatic to talk about it. (God save [info] yukiiiii ) In a month I think I read all the expanded universe, I fell in love with a few new characters and now I have quinientasmilnovecientascuarentaycinco ideas that refuse to be reflected on paper.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Sample Counter Offer Letters Auto Accidents

Letter from the dismissal of Javier Dario Restrepo

Nearly a year ago have not written anything in this blog, apart from the updates sent stomatal LoudTwitter, and I want to break the silence by publishing an email he wrote my mom a reason for the dismissal of Javier Darío Restrepo, one of the columnists of the newspaper El Colombiano de Medellín, purely by political censorship. Without further comment, here's the email:


In today's El Colombiano column appears Javier Dario Restrepo, saying goodbye after 17 years, and it being notified He Colombian grounds of "re-organizing our opinion pages, it bounced into the street. That reminds me of the letter received many years ago Alberto Basque newspaper El Mundo where he threw his "2 nd column." I looked in El Colombiano Thursday May 7 and found the reason: Javier Darío column that day was entitled "The freedom to disagree", in which, among other similar sentences, he argued ; to:
"If it is unethical denounce the dangerous concentration of powers in one person, or the political campaign of deliberate downgrading of the Court, or supporting the most corrupt Congress to preserve a few votes, if this assertion is unethical, what is it ethical? Claiming "against all evidence that nothing happens, that the 81 congressmen investigated or prosecuted criminally for parapolitics scandal are only opposition that could also be processed by farcpolítica? "It would be ethically silence the false positives, corruption in the DAS, electoral corruption, the presidential family business? That information, I admit, it would be unethical if they were mere allegations, unsubstantiated assertions, political backbiting. But are facts that one could not deny if I tried. Would deny complicity and irresponsibility especially professional journalist ... .. "
I think we can take a while and write a letter to the director of Colombia, protest, or are we going to let the prophecy is fulfilled by Bertolt Brecht : First they took

communists but I did not mind because I was not

Then workmen took
I did not mind because I was not.

unionists arrested after
I did not mind because I am not a trade unionist.

After some priests arrested
but since I'm not religious
not bother me. Now I have

me but it's too late.

Hugs, Luz Maria Restrepo

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Yahoo Winks Templates

Happy New Year!

In 2009, lialerena resolves to ...
Find a new fandom.
Apply for a new yaoi.
Learn to play the crack.
Cut down on my hellsing. Some star wars
Give to charity. Go to the policy
Every month.
Get your own New Year's Resolutions :

would have to get a list of purposes really, but it is not bad xD I found my excuse