Friday, November 14, 2008

Lineage By Margaret Walker

lialerena @ 2008-11-15T00: 06:00

to update the LJ, and is a nice excuse ^ ^

now know where it comes from both fic Obi-Wan/Anakin

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Games Like Port Royal


It is assumed that ma, ana I have an exhibition for which I have studied little I'm not giving my best (as always).

and I thought that naive
so special, my clumsiness
and I was so essential
that naive, my shame
forgotten me, for my part
to Mediocre ...

i want to change my wardrobe so baaad, pero i cannot .. the black and white are my life, i cannot put it on color-

Friday, October 3, 2008

Family Man Nicholas Cage Leather

I spent another month without writing ...

Basically I start by October this journal semi-friends. The idea would be something like leaving the original public and fics, and restrict the entries that refer to pseudo my private life, to prevent innocent people get bored.
If anyone is still interested in reading everyday delusions, is a question of leaving a message on the post and me will be happy to add them. ^ ^

Monday, September 8, 2008

Making An Inflatable Raft Floor

; __;

In seventeen years I have experienced all types of angina and infectious diseases in the throat. Really. So that any believe that I am able to differentiate them from a cold, but no. Leah
the time you realize it hurts too much to be a cold, and the bugs had been taken from the ear to the bronchi.
Well, at least I had an excuse for missing Antro, catch up on overdue reading, listening to the Beatles and spend the day in their pajamas.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Type Of Hose To Wear To An Interview

Insecurity - Peter Pettigrew - Table Angst

Fandom: Harry Potter
Claim: Peter Pettrigrew
Table: Angst
Number: # 8-Insecurity
Warnings: None.
title story: Debt

Peter had heard both Sirius talk about sex, his first time was almost a disappointment. A couple of years
later, when regulating sexual activity and finally decided to tell their friends experience as if it were an amusing anecdote rather than shameful, none of them have the courage to emit sound but carefully avoiding fake a laugh that he might be mocking.
The Ravenclaw chosen was a small, bright eyes and sweet smile gave him a couple of classes in History of Magic when Remus could not, and with the same air of patient teacher was left abandoned hallway lead to ignoring the sweaty hand that shook him, and trembling fingers were right not to unbutton the coat by how hard they try.
The reality is that trying to emulate Sirius, Peter had ended up sleeping with the kind of girl you would most James or Remus.
course for the first time it had been wonderful, because I did not remember his first lover as a teenager rampaging hormones superficial or too exuberant, not too skilled.
From time to repeat it, ended up believing it.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Insulated Shipping Coolers

The bath

The water is so cold it shakes, and is terrified that his teeth chattering awake. It also wants to close the mouth because the taste of blood is hitting the palate.
It nestles against your body, futile attempt to find warmth, and sinks head between her breasts, which are rigid and all of it. Pass your right arm around your waist and stretch the left everything you can, holding a tuft of hair on her small fist.
It clings to the body of his mother with all the force of his little body is able, so is security. Come

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dark Stool 36 Weeks Pregnant

New LJ Woot!

, things such as half and summarize what has been interesting about this last month, as always, I went to hang and disappear from the world.
noteworthy thing is that I found a new writing workshop that I have planned to start in mid-winter break, and for which I had to interview for two hours to convince your manager that yes, that I have seventeen years and all that, but I can be learning to write with adults about adult themes. The argument easier, and may have shortened dramatically the thing is that after years of reading horror fics I'm cured, but I thought it was not serious.
I still I went to the dentist and I have to go for about three weeks because I had an accident not too serious but it took some of my teeth. I turned my head against the water heater and when I woke up half an hour later, I broke a few bits.
I took math, and this time I found out in the second quarter, which, when viewed objectively, is an improvement because last year I learned in the first and figured in the second week. Tomorrow I have consideration
economy with a fascist racist professor neoliberal capitalist seems to hate me a little bit, so if I can overcome temptation is I have discovered a lot of fanarts MelloxNear tank, which I doubt, catch a little notes that, of course, I did not take me.

Now, the important thing: my sociology professor gave me a poster of Che Guevara Woot! Is hanging in front of me, at this time.

Gradually I go past the fics I have in the other account, so let things ordenadillas, to see if once I finish the tables and start with something new.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Darius Miles Lifetime Fitness

Because there are more urgent things to do, but laziness

1. Leave me a comment Saying anything random, like your favorite lyric to your current favorite song. Or your favorite kind of sandwich. Something random. Whatever you like.
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

from photosinensis
  • Emacs or vi? (Of course, any other command-line text editor will be an an acceptable answer.)
Never got into any of them, I have always used nano consistently.Once upon a time I began to use joe but now I continue to use nano for editing text files and tomboy for note-taking (witting this on it right now!)
  • What do you think is the best designed web application?
Simply put: Gmail. I haven't found a really good alternative to it yet and I have looked a lot (long story, I don't trust google to much with my mail).
  • What's your favorite alcoholic beverage?
hmmm, Its a toss between red beer and tequila.
  • What is it about Twitter you find to be awesome?
Not having the pressure to write long posts on my LJ. I just update it with short little things whenever I want. Also I can find out what things my friends are doing right now.
  • What kind of music Are You Into? Any specific artists?
Right now i am really Into latin ska and 90's swing. bands include: Panteon Rococo, skarabajos, Skalariak, the great orchestra Republican, rust crown revue, big bad voodo daddy and others (check my profile!: manuelj)

Monday, April 28, 2008

Science Boargame Names

manuelj @ 2008-04-29T00: 09:00

14 weeks ago not post anything, and main reason is that I never find enough energy or desire to write an entire entry. So I found a kind of solution is to create a twitter and write tweets or small entrances from there.

entirely not abandon LJ. Obviously I will continue reading the flist, which is practically the only thing that has kept me here the last 5 years (by the way I just saw were met for 3 days.) And maybe I posted from time to time but do not promise much (even less than I usually do: p).

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Swimsuit For Incontinent

If the destination of more than 70 million people depended on which side of the bed up every day Uribe and Chavez to continue his love-hate relationship, see his fights would be fun, almost like a soap opera (or fic for fannish.)