Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Full Head Highlights Diagram

censorship thingie

I have a question, am i a bad person because i don't really give a damn about what is currently happening on lj land concerning censorship?

'cause I think I should care, or move to another site, or something but I don't really care at all, it's just that it all seems so insignificant, i mean its just fanart on ONE FUCKING SITE, stop making it like it was the end of the internets.

I mean, its just one company deciding it just doesn't want part of its user base, just leave and go to another site or better yet get your own.

But please from know on, show that you really care about censorship, donate to the eff or your local ngo, go on and protest on the real world, send letters to your elected officers, and protest when something really important happens. Although